Coating professional.

Everything you need for services related to the installation and welding of industrial pipelines.

Did you know?

You can get snow bucket coatings from us.


Kumiointi ja pinnoitus teollisuuden tarpeisiin

Rubber and coatings

Pinnoitettu Polyurea-pinnoitteella teollisuuden tarpeisiin

Polyurethane injection

Rah-Koneen työntekijä polyurea-pinnoittaa metallipintaa.


Belzona pinnoitetuote.


Rah-Koneen ammattitaitoinen työntekijä suorittamassa lämpöeristystä

Thermal insulation

Pinnoitettu teollisuuskone

Industrial piping

Metallipinnan teräsraepuhallus Rah-Koneen toimesta.

Steel grit blasting

Teräsrakenteiden pinnoitus Rah-Koneella.

Steel structures

Liikunasauma betonilattian korjaus

Expansion joints

Liukueste pinnoitukset korjattu

Anti-slip high-visibility coating

We know the coatings.

All that you need for services related to industrial piping installation and welding. Rah-Kone offers a comprehensive range of services also for equipment and machinery installations and for the installation and welding of steel structures.


We offer a high-quality, comprehensive service that meets client needs and which we hope will lead to a long and confidential client relationship.

Did you know?

You get a full and flexible service from us.